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Post By jimmy7
Post By Tulim
Post By Tulim
AlphaRatio News
AlphaRatio is under maintenance.
(That was until a few hours ago but site's page is down completely now. No official word on IRC. Site was under maintenance again just a few days ago.)
AR is down nearly every week as far as i can say - but currently down times are coming in a higher rate as usually - i guess if there would be problems they may already have made some announcements (at least they had the chance), if the site can't be reached and the usual "under maintenance" page isn't loaded it still can be just another maintenance - normally it was always the case that nothing was loaded while trying to open the AR homepage and just an hour or even minutes before was the "under maintenance" visible.
@jimmy7 - AR is down nearly every week as far as i can say - but currently down times are coming in a higher rate as usually - i guess if there would be problems they may already have made some announcements (at least they had the chance), if the site can't be reached and the usual "under maintenance" page isn't loaded it still can be just another maintenance - normally it was always the case that nothing was loaded while trying to open the AR homepage and just an hour or even minutes before the "under maintenance" was visible.
site just needed a few minutes to show the "under maintenance"
Last edited by ; 09-05-2017 at 05:32 PM.
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