AlphaRatio Seedboxes!

They are now listed on the Donations page, what you can see, is what you can buy.

FOUNDERS cannot buy these seedboxes with saved up founder payments that havnt been used on stats and the Donation progress bar as they should of been, PLEASE all Founders put your founder payment money into stats before trying to buy a seedbox.

AR Seedboxes are in Beta and subject to change in the way we manage them via the site, when all Seedboxes are sold in the list, i will trigger a 5 day Global Freeleech Event.


All Founders/ ex-Founders

Please use your COH to receive stats on your account, this will also increase the Donation progress bar.

COH from Founders/ex-Founders payments will not be alloud to be used to buy AR Seedbox due to be online tomorrow.
