Burner E-mail Addresses

We no longer allow email addresses using throwaway email services. If your current email is one of the black-listed providers, you will be notified with an alert prompting you to change your email address. You have 30 days to complete this change. Any accounts still using a throwaway email service after March 24, 2018 at 00:00 UTC will be locked.

New Changelog* Feature

Those of you who enjoy to stay updated on new site developments may have found our Changelog thread in the Announcements forum, while some of you may not have. We have replaced the changelog thread with its own dedicated page, changelog.php. The most recent changelog entry can be found on the home page. Along with this change, we have added pop-up notifications for new changelog entries, which you can toggle on in your user settings: user.php?action=edit. They are off by default.

*Not all site changes will be entered into the changelog.

Stat Graphs (Part 1)

In line with this approved suggestion, two new stats pages have been added, containing personal aggregate stats as well as stats over time for user snatches and uploads. These pages are class-restricted, and may only be accessed by users of the Power User userclass and above. Each user's stats pages are visible to themselves only, and can be accessed on the on the top of your own profile page, as Graphs.

A Different Perspective (Through Legend Lenses)

At this time we must also announce the retirement of Belphegor. Belphegor was behind-the-scenes; assisting users with many issues in an always kind and respectful way. We are very thankful for the hard work they have contributed during their tenure and hope to see them again someday soon. Thank you, Belphegor. Adieu, and good luck with everything in the present and future!