I apply for Underground Gamer please!!! need it to set up a hyperspin machine for a NBA Jam Cabinet
proof: http://i.imgur.com/xlGifpK.jpg
Thanks in advance
For Torrent Day,
Im kinda new to this private tracker thing so I dont have too many proofs.
1. http://i.imgur.com/Jxs0MND.png
I'm a member of this site since 3 days, thats the reason of such less upload. Also the ratio is not correct as is will only update when i stop seeding(or flush) those 9 torrents.
2. http://i.imgur.com/R6diJ4a.png
This seeding ratio of my uTorrent is from the time when i didnt even have a private tracker.
3. http://speedtest.net/result/2520865618.png
This is my new internet speed and i intend to misbehave with it
I also have a seedbox(kinda). Its a site that acts like a seedbox. It will upload all my files till the ratio becomes 2 or for 72 hrs (which ever comes first)
PM me if you want more info.
I apply for docspedia...Thanks
i apply for ipt
I apply bitspider and Myanonamouse
speedtest : http://www.speedtest.net/result/2514140790.png
IPT profile : http://i51.fastpic.ru/big/2013/0217/...29c584e5cd.png
I would really appriciate a torrentday invite!
Thank you!