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@knallkopppp would love an invite, thanking you!
hi @knallkopppp i am applying for an invite please if there is any left
thank you
@knallkopppp, i already PM u for the invite I want, hope i win my invite
New user
I would like join this great site. Please invite me @knallkopppp
Thank you very much
New user
Would like to join, @knallkopppp
New user
Would be nice whit a invite @knallkopppp
New user
Thank you
@knallkopppp , thanks for your giveaway, I'd like to apply for the invite
New user
Hey @knallkopppp . Please invite me to PrivateHD. Regards.
Hey there @knallkopppp - yI'd like to respectfully apply for the PrivateHD invite.
I'm a user of Sonarr/Radarr/Prowlarr pared with a Synology NAS in this configuration my upload data is over 38Tb on FileList (Ratio 44.28), I have a hands off approach and thru settings my torrents will be automatically removed only if they are older than 30 days and a minimal of 2.5 ratio. I was recently invited thru this forum to IPT and TorrentDay and I will not lie still struggling to make the 0.5 ratio there but I have no doubts I will exceed the 2.0 ratio in no time.
thank you for considering me!
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