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@mart2022 I would like to apply for the account kindly lemme know will send proofs.
New user
@mart2022 I would like an invite please! I have had an account in U2 for 7 years with a good ratio, if you want I will send you an image
@mart2022 Thanks for the giveaway, I would like to apply for OldToons.
@mart2022 would love an invite, happy to provide proofs/ seedbox
@mart2022 Fair play to you for the giveaway. If is not too late, I'd love to have an invite. Thanks!
New user
@mart2022 Thanks for doing the giveaway, I would like to apply for it.
@mart2022 - I am interested! I have high end seedbox , normally seeding 500+ torrents across a few quality trackers. I maintain a minimum of 2.0 ratio on all. I can provide proof and also contribute to the community best i can. thanks!
Awesome giveaway @mart2022 ! Thank you. I have everything needed.
New user
@mart2022 Interested to have account on this tracker can share all required proofs. Thanks
New user
@mart2022 would love an invite to this
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