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Torrent Invites! Buy, Trade, Sell Or Find Free Invites, For EVERY Private Tracker! HDBits.org, BTN, PTP, MTV, Empornium, Orpheus, Bibliotik, RED, IPT, TL, PHD etc!
@AndRei13 ID like to participate in this give away
Why do i want a privatehd invite? My reason is i will love to get encodes from encoders like from TEPES, DON, NTb, TrollUHD.. and i heard they have a great community.id like to be a part of the community if given the chance and contribute back. I can send you prrofs of ratio on other trackers.. Thank you in anticipation.
I have a Seedbox through rapidseedbox. I am also in a bunch of trackers mostly use MAM and TL I can send whatever you might need. Thank you so much for the giveaway @AndRei13
New user
@AndRei13 I would like to participate in the giveaway
Thank you!
@AndRei13 I would like to participate in this giveaway
New user
I want to apply for the giveaway
Thank you
like & Rep - Done
It's really great that we have such a oppurtunity like this giveaway. otherwise there is no way to find out a way to open these kinda private tracker's doors. thank @AndRei13
@AndRei13 Hi, I would love to participate in the giveaway!
New user
Hi, I'm not collector, just starting in private torrent trackers. Would really apprieciate an invite, if its still available, obvs. I know rules and been seeding a lot( I have a seedbox and good connection)
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