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Dear @Ninquelote , i would like to apply for Apollo. Thank you!
REPs & LIKE added.
Fantastic GA!
Hey @Ninquelote
Trying my luck! I will apply for the Apollo invite, please.
Added Rep + Liked your posts.
New user
I would like to apply Apollo.
I have seedbox, ratio and speedtest proofs ready if needed
Thanks Like + REPs added
Dear @Ninquelote , i would like to apply for MTV. Thank you!
REPs & LIKE added.
Hi @Ninquelote ! I would love an HD-FOREVER/WAFFLES/TRANCETRAFFIC invite! I don't have many trackers but i'm trying my best to keep a good ratio and i would love to expand my collection.Have a good day!
New user
Excellent Giveaway.
Like + rep added for you. Interested in Waffles.ch, can provide ratio, speedtest, and seedbox proofs. Using Feral-Hosting seedbox.
Dear @Ninquelote I would be thankful if you invite me to Waffle. Proofs available per your request.
@Ninquelote still have hope and i think i deserve MoreThan.TV invite
Hey @Ninquelote
I would like apply for MTV invite. Could Provide proofs if required.......
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