If you’ve got a new iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus, you’ve probably been using the new 3D Touch feature that lets you use different amounts of force to perform different actions. For some of you, you might’ve noticed that 3D Touch’s sensitivity is a bit off. That’s a sign that it needs a slight tweak.

Here’s how to do that:

Open the Settings app. First, head to General > Accessibility, then scroll down until you see the 3D Touch option. This menu allows you shut 3D Touch off entirely or just change its sensitivity.
By default, you’ll be set to Medium, but you can change it to Light (less pressure required for activation) or Firm (more pressure needed) to fit your personal preference.

The default is fine for most people, but if you have trouble applying pressure to your screen or feel like you’re pressing too hard on your phone, try Light. If you keep activating 3D Touch when you don’t want to, see if Firm helps.
Once you’ve made your choice, you can test how the sensitivity feels on the sample image at the bottom.