Wikipedia is world’s most popular and useful website to get info on any of the topic we are interested in. Wikipedia is operated by Wikimedia Foundation. In only English, Wikipedia have more than 3.80 Million articles. Wikipedia have estimate 365 million users worldwide, this is because Wikipedia is available in more than 280 languages.

In this article we will discuss how we can access Wikipedia’s article offline, when we don’t have any Internet connection.

An application known as Portable Wikipedia, size about 175 MB is an effective way to access Wikipedia articles offline. Though this is not a complete Wikipedia. Portable Wikipedia includes 14 million articles and 24,000 images. This application can be accessed on almost any Operating System, whether it is MAC or Windows or Free and open source Linux and also this application can be accessed in some of the Windows based Mobile Phones.
You can Download Pocket Wikipedia from Pocket Wikipedia’s download link.
Click Here to Download Pocket Wikipedia

Another Application which can be helpful to access Wikipedia is WikiTaxi

WikiTaxi enables users to read or search articles offline, when there is no internet connection.
WikiTaxi can be downloaded in different languages as it is a multilingual application. You can save multiple Wikis to disk and use all of them with WikiTaxi.
WikiTaxi is up to date. It uses the original Wikipedia database dumps, which are usually updated every few weeks. If you feel that your offline Wikipedia is getting too old, you can download a more recent version or just copy it from a friend.
You can download WikiTaxi from Official WikiTaxi’s website, Visit

I hope now you got enough options and ways to read Wikipedia articles offline.