Do you know that there is a internet trick by which we can access the premium website free without registration. This trick uses the concept of Google crawler. All website offers Google crawler an access to freely access their content for indexing. So If we change our Browser details like Google crawler than we too can access any premium website free without registration.
Isn’t it sounds interesting?


1) Firefox Browser.
2) User Agent Switcher

Here we go,

1) First of all download and install firefox browser.

2) Launch Firefox and go to this website
and download user agent switcher for Firefox.

3) Now restart firefox and choose Googlebot/2.1+ and you are done.

Now access any premium websites free without registration.

How website bypassing trick works?

User agent switcher changes the user agent of your browser from firefox to Google Bot. Now whenever you will try to visit any premium website than the website will get user agent Google Bot and hence allow it in order to index website content.