steven, thats my new FB status "if someone wants to call me an asshole then I'n ok with that " thanks for the advice bro! well needed in these parts
steven, thats my new FB status "if someone wants to call me an asshole then I'n ok with that " thanks for the advice bro! well needed in these parts
hah...pretty funny...theres always someone to complain...thanx for this guide
anyway, can you clear something up for me?...i see a possible trade, but according to this guide, i am a high risk(and dont blame it)....i should have registered weeks ago when i came across the site but didnt until yesterday...should i just pm the donor with the offer?...or should i just let it go and wait until i get more reputation?
You can take your chances to PM for the trade but keep in mind that as a high risk user (as you put it) you might be asked to send the invite first.
You should also be ready if required to send unedited proofs to a staff member (and nobody else, not even the user you are trading with)
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