The self-reported ‘happiness’ of women has been falling in recent decades. But when it comes to figuring out why, researchers have struck a problem: what is happiness, anyway?

Turns out, the definition is different between men and women.

According to University of Central Lancashire psychologist Lowri Dowthwaite, what isn’t in doubt is that women are twice as likely to suffer depression. But, according to her article in The Conversation, women are also more likely to experience intense positive emotions, such as joy and happiness - and bounce back quicker from the bad times.

So does it all just balance out in the end?

“Research shows it’s a complicated question and that asking whether males or females are happier isn’t really that helpful, because essentially, happiness is different for women and men,” she writes.

Put simply: Females generally prioritise doing the right thing over being happy, whereas men are better at the pursuit of pleasure.

“Women tend to act more ethically than men and are more likely to suffer feelings of shame if they are not seen to be doing ’the right thing’. But female morality also leads them to engage in more fulfilling and impactful work. And this ultimately brings them greater joy, peace and contentment.”

Gender differences in the mind are a difficult and controversial subject. But bodies of work have been built up in recent years.

“Studies have found in particular that women express more prosocial emotions — such as gratitude — which has been linked to greater happiness,” Dowthwaite says. “This supports the theory that women’s happiness is more dependent on relationships than men’s.”

But there is one area where this openness of expression is reversed: anger.

Women may experience anger as intensely as men, but they don’t express it.

“When men feel angry they are more likely to vocalise it and direct it at others, whereas women are more likely to internalise and direct the anger at themselves. Women ruminate rather than speak out. And this is where women’s vulnerability to stress and depression lies.”

Research indicates men apply their problem solving abilities and mental flexibility to maintain positive moods and resilience. But women’s reactions to stress serve to magnify the symptoms of moodiness.

“This inequality of happiness means that it is harder for women to maintain a happy state when faced with social expectations and constraints … they are more likely to prioritise the needs of others over their own — and over time this can lead to resentment and feeling unfulfilled.”

Men and women are socialised to express different emotions through their upbringing and role-models, research reveals. But recent studies also suggests such differences are also genetically hardwired.

“Women are more likely to express happiness, warmth and fear, which helps with social bonding and appears more consistent with the traditional role as primary caregiver,” she writes, “whereas men display more anger, pride and contempt, which are more consistent with a protector and provider role.”

The difference appears to come down to the number of mirror neurons firing within the brain.

Neuroimaging research shows females using areas containing more of these neurons — which enable people to see things from another person’s perspective — when processing emotions.

“This may explain why women can experience deeper sadness,” the lecturer writes.

It also helps set different goalposts for happiness, she says.

Ultimately, though, happiness benefits all.

“Research shows happiness is not merely the function of individual experience but ripples through social networks. Happiness is infectious and contagious — and it has a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of everyone.”