
Picture Source : Dailymail.co.uk

In addition to the search for life on earth, started many years ago has been carried out with no results. However, recently there is one thing that makes a scene astronomers because the emergence of a mysterious thing from outer space.

Maybe if the total, there are hundreds of trillions have been spent on the cost of research and manufacture of tools that are used to find the existence of other beings or also extraterrestrial life.

Unfortunately, from time, power up with the funds spent many, no results were quite encouraging harvested from outer space.

However, as quoted by the Daily Mail (25/06), suddenly appeared spike signals detected X-rays coming from the Perseus cluster at a distance of 240 million light years from Earth.

Perseus cluster is the largest structure of the universe that contains a lot of galaxies in it.

Dark matter itself is a matter that can not absorb or emit light as well. Even these materials can not be viewed directly using a telescope though. While the sterile neutrino is a type of neutron particles will emit X-rays when the whole.

If what researchers predicted correctly on the X-ray signals associated with luruhnya mysterious sterile neutrinos and dark matter, then it would be a great discovery because until this year there had been no evidence that approximately correct about the existence of dark matter.