Streaming adult video site PornHub is adding AI to its platforms which includes its mobile site. Right now, the company is using the tool to tag its performers and certain physical features that they have (such as hair color). 500,000 videos have been scanned thus far and PornHub's entire video library will be scanned beginning sometime next year. Soon, AI will be used to tag various sex positions and categories making it easier for visitors to navigate the site's large video library.

Currently, PornHub has over 5 million videos, and Face Recognition will be used at first to name 10,000 performers starring in them. These "actors" will be limited to professionals only and no amateurs will be tagged. For those who can't stand running into duplicate videos (don't you hate when that happens?), the AI technology will allow PornHub to spot the copies and remove them from the site.

"Right now, we are only identifying porn stars. So far we've used the model on about 500K featured videos (which includes user submitted) and we plan to scan the whole library in the beginning of 2018. Very shortly, the technology will also be used to detect various sex positions/categories and be able to properly tag them as well."-Corey Price, VP, PornHub
PornHub, of course, is hoping that the improved user experience leads to more return visits.