Wearables still aren’t anywhere near as widespread use as smartphones, but the CEO of Jawbone, Hosain Rahman believes that they’re going to be. Moreover, he thinks it’s likely that we’ll be putting sensors inside our own bodies that will interact with a slew of devices at some point in the future. At a conference on Wednesday, he explained that the use of wearables will contribute substantially to what is called the Internet of Things, which is the increased commonality of smart devices that are able to communicate with each other.

Jawbone has been investing a considerable amount of resources into developing internal sensors, said Rahman. The company has also been researching fitness sensors that the user would swallow or implant. These sensors would remain in a user’s bloodstream and would be capable of actively monitoring a variety of factors. Basically, the idea is that these sensors could be used to interact with other smart devices like thermostats, by telling the thermostat if our body is too warm or cold and adjusting according, and the list goes on.