A HIGH-RANKING education official earning a six figure salary has been outed as the mystery pooper plaguing a high school in New York.

Superintendent of Schools Thomas W Tramaglini was dubbed “The Pooperintendant” after he was allegedly caught in the act on surveillance video set up by his colleagues.

But today it emerged that Mr Tramaglini signed an agreement with his employers at Kenilworth Public Schools ensuring he would continue to receive his US$147,500 salary (AUD 203,400) until he resigned.

The 42-year-old was suspended with pay in May after he was charged with defecating in public, lewdness and littering.

His arrest came after school employees stumbled across human faeces near the Holmdel High School football field and track on “a daily basis”.

The school is about five kilometres from Mr Tramaglini’s home in Aberdeen.

Under a separation agreement, Mr Tramaglini will be paid his full salary from the time of his arrest until the end of September, the date he has agreed to resign, in addition to two months severance pay and around $AUD50,000 in unused vacation time, NJ.com reported.

No motive has ever been ascribed to Mr Tramaglini’s alleged serial defecation, and a Holmdel Municipal Court hearing on Monday offered few clues.

In a bizarre twist, the disgraced official is counter suing the Department of Education for photographing him and “maliciously” circulating his mug shot for what his defence lawyer classified as a “minor offence”.