SOME 400 brain tumours are diagnosed in Ireland each year — but sufferers have been told there is support out there.

The news can be overwhelming for both patients and families.

The aftermath of a tumour can be just as bad, as sufferers come to terms with the life-altering side-effects a tumour can bring.

Brain Tumour Ireland is a charity, set up in 2012, aiming to create a place where people can find information, guidance and comfort.

Two survivors have just shared their stories for the first time for International Brain Tumour Awareness Week.

Joe Ryan, 30, from Thurles, Co Tipperary, was diagnosed at the age of 18. He realised something was wrong when his hand started to seize up.

Doctors blamed a rugby injury, and advised Joe to get physio. The physio realised the problem was neurological, and sent him to a specialist.

The reception worker said: “The problem got worse when I left school and I started working in a bar. I would go to pick up a glass and my hand would seize up. I’d have to take it off the glass with the other hand.”

Joe went for an MRI, which revealed the issue. He said: “I found out the tumour had been growing my whole life and it had started to leak.”

After a gruelling seven-hour surgery, doctors removed the mass, however Joe was left with temporary paralysis down his right side.

Even after years of physio, Joe’s movement in the right side is only 70 per cent.

Joe later started attending support groups, and realised how beneficial it was to chat with other people with similar experiences.

He added: “I now feel like I have come out the other side.”

Suzanne Ryan, also 30, and also from Thurles, told how her symptoms started when she was in Leaving Cert year.

She recalled: “I was getting sick and blacking out. Then my eyesight started going a bit weird. I went to the optician and got glasses. My GP gave me treatment for a sinus infection and the symptoms subsided.”

The signs eased off for about three years, before returning. She was sent for an MRI, and diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2010, aged 22.

She had surgery to remove the tumour in 2011, but six months later, it started to re-grow again requiring specialist treatment in the UK.

In 2015, her symptoms returned yet again. She had further surgery in 2015 to remove the tumour, leaving her with facial palsy and no hearing in her right ear.

Suzanne has now been given the all-clear until 2020.

She is now closely involved the Irish Brain Tumour Support Group in Cork. She said: “People should know they’re not alone, and there is support out there.”

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