1. “The art of conversation consists as much in listening politely as in talking agreeably; therefore never interrupt anyone who may be speaking to you, and at the same time do not let your eyes wander to other objects, but keep them on the speaker.”

2. “Never boast of your birth, your money, your grand friends, or anything that is yours. If you have traveled, do not introduce that information into your conversation at every opportunity.”

3. “When in Company, put not your Hands to any Part of the Body, not usually Discovered.”

4. “The letter we all love to receive is one that carries so much of the writer’s personality that she seems to be sitting beside us, looking at us directly and talking just as she really would, could she have come on a magic carpet, instead of sending her proxy in ink-made characters on mere paper.”

5. “Instead of spreading out your dresses to exclude strangers from a seat...let us offer the seat cheerfully, and gracefully, and commence a conversation with the new-comer.”

Got a new one to add go for it, very nice infor Also one of mine is:

6. Smile while walking past anyone, it makes you and them feel warm n fuzzy inside