I like the releases from NTb, especially their web-dl stuff and was wondering what trackers have the most and first up releases from this group? Are they internal and belong to a specific tracker?
I like the releases from NTb, especially their web-dl stuff and was wondering what trackers have the most and first up releases from this group? Are they internal and belong to a specific tracker?
Yes. HDBits
More info - Internal Encoders Groups For Private Tracker
They are also an internal group of BTN
IPT have a fair collection
I think they are internal at BTN
ntb is btn when you read it in reverse
I download ntb releases from ipt mostly.
BTN, HDB, MTV and maybe rarbg
SUPER NOOB QUESTION INCOMING. How do I go about getting torrents from these trackers? Thanks guys.
NTb is internal on BTN and HDBits , NTb is spelled BTN backwards.
You can find their releases on many trackers like: IPT,TL,FL ,PrivateHD,TD,nCORE etc