Guys i can trade a waffles invite for an Ftn.....
Guys i can trade a waffles invite for an Ftn.....
Best Luck but hardly anyone will trade FTN for waffles
Hi mate ,,,
If you don’t know already, private trackers are ranked into "Levels" based on the criteria of how difficult it is to get in,
Level 1 being the easiest to get into, and Level 10 the hardest. Waffles is a level 4 tracker and FTN is a level 10 tracker.
I think nobuddy will trade FTN for Waflles
its nice to know ty....
one can hope right?
I hope.....
Same odds as winning the lottery filarako hehe.
Can someone give me the link to whaere you can see all the trackers levels?
Remove the url bbcode, dont know why there showing up.
Thanks man