This is THE BEST CG/VFX TRACKER AROUND. The website cgpersia is basically the 0day for small-time crackers (XFORCE is the only major releaser of that kind of stuff, and we usually get it first at cgp.)
I'm a mod on this site. I am not just saying this because we want more members. We're fine as it is, flooded really, and the Sysop is getting annoyed at the fucking noobs who don't follow the ratio rules. Being in my position I've got unlimited invites, and I know you guys know your stuff (most of you) so I'll hand them out no problem, just leave thanks and REP - that's the most important thing to me. I'm giving you access to a niche tracker that is the BEST of it's kind. If it is pirated, cg related, and updated, it is on there.
GFXNews, GFXpeers, all are knock offs of the grandaddy, CGPERSIA and then our subsequent tracker CGPeers. I am the cracker behind some of the major releases, but as not to break anonymity I will not say which.
Please leave a post here saying you're interested and PM me with a speed test or ratio proof and an email and you are IN!