One notable provider missing in Apple’s TV app integration is Netflix. While you can still search for content from Netflix within the app, it will not keep track of watching history or suggest content for the Up Next feature. The company will be distancing itself from Apple even more soon.

According to a report from VentureBeat, Netflix will soon be removing the option for billing via iTunes for new users. This means that new users wanting to sign up for the service on iOS will be redirected to Safari to subscribe. Existing users wil remain unaffected. While there’s not an official timeline for the change, Netflix says it will be rolling out the feature soon.

The report added that users who were previously using iTunes billing but canceled will not be able to resubscribe via iTunes, either.

Customers who are rejoining Netflix using an iOS device, after having canceled payment for at least one month, also won’t be able to use iTunes billing.

It’s unclear why Netflix is making this move, though one could infer that this is a cost saving move for customers. Currently, Apple takes a 30% cut from all purchases made through the App Store. Recurring subscriptions that are longer than a year will see a smaller 15% cut from Apple.

Removing iTunes billing as a whole means users will no longer have a 30% upcharge when subscribing via the app on iOS.