We asked you yesterday if you would be interested in Apple releasing the iPhone X in additional colors, different than the orthodox black and white it is available in now, and nearly half of our respondents gave a thumbs up to that gorgeous Product RED version concept you see rendered in the video below, mainly because the color would be fitting beautifully with the black front. While a quarter of you are fine with the current scheme, the perennial golden version is also somewhat of a fan favorite. Looking down in the comments, blue and gray, as well as green options are being fancied, but, no love for yellow, folks?

Apple didn't announce a new iPhone X color meant "to revive sales," as was rumored for its educational event, but that doesn't mean one won't be appearing soon with a simple press release, as is Apple's habits with these things recently. We've heard this rumor floated a few times already, ranging from a Product RED version, to some golden option that will appeal more to Asian customers.

After all, the phone is Apple's flagship device, and is only available in black or white, leaving no gray area for aficionados of other hues in the spectrum. The Product RED project is actually a very good candidate, as it is for a good cause, fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic in certain countries, and, besides, the iPhone X may look great in red, as you can see in designer Martin Hajek's render in the video here.